How to overcome bitterness

Life is always unpredictable. If we knew what awaits us in the future, we could already have changed it. Maybe if the outcome would not be great. Everyone wants a stress-free life. A life that is free from disappointment after disappointment, therefore, making you bitter. If you are facing, bad times, this does not mean that you should live your entire life feeling guilty. You should at least know How to overcome bitterness.

There are moments you will feel helpless. Sometimes having sleepless nights, fatigued, have low self-confidence, and have no relationship with people. Rising behold your pain and bitterness is what will make you more resilient. In addition, you become more productive in life. Below are 5 ways on How to overcome bitterness

Re-exam yourself

Sometimes as a human being, you are too good. It is the people that you commit to the most that hurt you the deepest. However, this should not change your character. Check whether you are naive, as in are you too trusting? Do you commit yourself too much to people? Do not blame yourself for the mistakes you have done. It is through these bad situations that we learn.

Remember that once bitten twice shy. Accept all your mistakes, from how they began, up to the point where you feel so bitter. Maybe your bitterness is about you losing someone you loved. Some situations cannot be changed, but it is not worth living in the past. No matter how hard the situation is, sit back, cry, or scream you are allowed to have all forms of outbursts. Remember you are living for a reason, and where there is life there is a will. Do not give up on yourself.

Take down the lessons

Each heartbreak has a lesson. Moving on from your bitterness very fast is unwise. After re-examining yourself you have to note down the important lessons. Life is full of amazing lessons. Human beings have a tendency of being impatient. Learning is a skill that is important. unfortunately, it is taken by only a few people.

If only people learned from experiences, maybe of others and their own. Life would not be complicated as it becomes for a number of people if they accepted to learn. Read inspirational books like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The Alchemist is also another must-read. Read books on personal development. Living your dream life can be possible if you purpose.

3. Move on

Some people say they really hate the words ‘move on. Now those words are the bitter truth. You know it hurts when you have been married to the ‘supposed love of your life for many years. Only for him or her to wake up and file for a divorce. It hurts, to feel used, rejected, lose someone, be cheated or discriminated against. We cannot change how people treat us, but we can choose how to react to situations that hurt us.

Learn to ignore what doesn’t improve your life. Many people suffer from extreme esteem issues and out of their bitterness, they end up treating others like trash. Maybe just to make themselves feel better. Never allow yourself to stoop too low to argue with such people. Choose to instill positive affirmations that whatever people say about you will not affect you. You are stronger than you can imagine! Let go of that that doesn’t build you. Close that chapter in life and move on.

4. Forgive

May it be yourself, or the people who hurt you. Learn to forgive. Life is too fantastic to keep holding grudges. People will never understand how fast you adapt to life. They can never tell it took a while for you to let go of the situation.

Learn to rise above your pain, and face it! That is what the greatest and strong emotional people do. Having taken down the first three points in How to overcome bitterness into consideration. The wisest situation is forgiveness. It will ease tension and anxiety. You will have more focus on your life also.

5. Give yourself time and bury the situation

These days social media has made a number of people stalkers. When we talk of moving on, it means burying every evidence about all those that hurt you. Keep off social media, unfollow them, delete their numbers, and avoid anything that will trigger your bitterness. Do not bother wanting to know what happened to them after they hurt you. Do not dwell on saying that Karma will catch up with them. : 9 Tips on How to Forgive Someone Who Broke Your Heart

More so, talking about them or situations that hurt you is useless. If you really need someone to talk to visit a counselor or a friend you trust most. The best thing is teaching yourself to handle your situations. Invest in building up a strong character in you. Give yourself time to heal. Purpose to prosper without looking back.5 simple ways on how to forgive yourself

To sum up, from the five e points, how to overcome bitterness. You can see it’s never easy to let it go. One thing, that you should always remember is that as long as you are breathing. Never lose hope you have a purpose in life. You matter. Make a set of overcoming all the bitterness in your life. Choose to be happy in life.7 ways to overcome the critic in you. Finally we can conclude that you have to be intentional to live a happy life. Read How to overcome bitterness often.

You’d be surprised how many people hold a grudge.Over the loss of something they discover they no longer even want.