7 best ways to avoid procrastination

Have you been trying to do something for the last few years? It starts with just “I will do tomorrow”, tomorrow converts into weeks, then months, and later years. There is never the right time to take action. Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried. Just because you postpone something does not mean you should. Work on your mindset, focus, and take action immediately. Below are 7 best ways to avoid procrastination

1.Make a plan

At times you procrastinate because you do not have a to-do list for the day. Having no plans for the day you will just assume you have all the time in the world. Many are the days you will have achieved less. Most of your time will be spent on gossip, social media, and just fantasy. What if you changed your lifestyle and had a plan for the day? You know when to rest ,to work, read or handle the tasks of the day. Change starts with you, make a daily plan. Positive habits to employ in your daily routine.

2. Have a vision

Having a plan without a vision is mean less. Setting our goals is easy, but staying motivated to work towards them is never easy. Many times we receive very negative feedback, making us lose hope. Nothing good comes easily, no matter what we must stay motivated. We feel like giving up, crying, and feel tired of working towards our visions. Stay positive at all times, if your negative thoughts consume you kill that critic as soon as possible. Have a realistic vision, and work towards it daily.7 ways to overcome the critic in you

3.Change your mindset

Some of the greatest battles we fight are in our minds. We fail to fight ourselves and blame others or the environment for our failures. What if you worked on your thoughts? Does your brain believe in facts or mere fallacies? Have you thought about investing in your mindset? Change starts with you, with the little steps you take towards changing your life positively. Our mindsets shape us into being what we want. Seek wisdom from the right sources. Always remember, as a man thinketh so is he.

4. Avoid distractions

When you finally decide to move forward with your vision, there arise distractions. Choose wisely on what to procrastinate on. For your vision to succeed you have to be wise about what to prioritize in life. There will be challenges, that will make you doubt your sanity, yourself and may even make you give up on yourselves. Avoid those negative thoughts that make you think of shifting your focus elsewhere. All the distractions, are there to bring you down, try to run away from what prevents you from bringing the best version of yourself.

5.Start small

The journey to killing procrastination is never easy. The lazy lifestyle seems to be ‘fun’, especially if you work in an organization whereby you are assured of a salary at the end of the month. If you feel too content you waste a lot of time. Therefore you have no plans to make your life better or improve yourself.

The secret to getting ahead is just getting started. Check out the little achievements you make towards avoiding procrastination. Appreciate your progress and be patient with yourself. Keep on doing better and at last, it will be a routine. Start now, and never give up on the journey you have started.

6. Reward yourself

You know what? it is never easy to employ any habit. Many people like easy and comfortable lives. They do what they think does not make them tired. That is why someone may spend much time on Tv, social media, or playing video games.

Always remember that whatever, you waste your time consuming was invented or was created by a person like you. So as you start the journey to taking action and not postponing things. Always remember to reward yourself by taking short breaks, celebrating yourself, and loving your progress. Keep on working as you appreciate your progress.

7.Do not give up.

The 7th in 7 best ways to avoid procrastination, is not giving up. As I stated earlier, this whole journey is not easy. Many times your efforts will seem not to bear fruits. You will be criticized and labeled with all sorts of names, your failures will be celebrated, and you will doubt yourself. And you know what? That does not matter at all, live for you.

The moment you will stop minding what people say about you is the day you will start achieving more in life. Stay positive, educate yourself, and eliminate all the lies you have grown with about life. Meditate more and create a personal relationship with God.

Maybe you crave progress in life, but it seems impossible to move from one point to another. Never do tomorrow what you can today, procrastination is like a credit card, it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill. It feels good when you look back and see that your life has improved a lot. Take action today, for no one knows what tomorrow holds. Start today. Consider 7 best ways to avoid procrastination.