10 Ways on how to tell what you want in life

The journey to self discovery can be a difficult one.Sometimes you may feel that you are a victim of bad choices over and over.Discovering what you want in life is a deeply personal and introspective process.The average person makes 35,000 decisions per day. Making simple choices like what you want to wear for the day, what course you want to study, or what life you want to live can be so confusing.At the end of the day you still have to make a decision.

1.Reflect on your values

Consider the values and principles that are most important to you. What do you prioritize in life? What gives you a sense of fulfillment and meaning? Identifying your core values can provide a foundation for understanding what you truly want.Sometimes society has a way of making you believe that you are making the wrong choices in life.Never mind about the pressure just focus on what you believe in.

2.Explore your passions and interests

Pay attention to activities, hobbies, or subjects that genuinely excite and engage you. What brings you joy? What do you enjoy learning or talking about? Exploring your passions can help uncover what you may want to pursue further in life.This calls for more time to concentrate on what make you unhappy.Do not let people dictate what you enjoy most, just be you.

3.Set aside time for self reflection

Carve out regular time for self-reflection. This can involve writing a journal, meditating, or simply spending quiet moments alone to contemplate your thoughts and feelings. Create a space where you can introspect and connect with your inner self.Sometimes you can go for solo dates and just to have time to figure out what you really want and where you are making mistakes.

4. Visualize your ideal life

Remember, your ideal life is a personal vision unique to you. It may evolve over time, and that’s okay. Stay true to yourself, be adaptable, and embrace the journey of creating a life that aligns with your values, passions, and aspirations.Imagine your ideal life without any limitations or constraints. What would it look like? How would you spend your time? What goals or achievements would you pursue? Visualization exercises can provide insights into your aspirations and desires.

5.Experiment and try new things

Embrace curiosity and explore different experiences. Be open to trying new activities, taking up new hobbies, or engaging in projects that intrigue you. Through experimentation, you may discover unexpected passions or preferences.Sometimes, you might be limiting your self, so be ready to explore life and different things that can help you rediscover yourself.

6. Seek inspiration from others

Look to inspiring individuals or role models who have pursued paths that resonate with you. Read biographies, listen to interviews, or seek mentorship from people who have achieved what you aspire to. Their journeys can offer valuable insights and inspiration. Engage with online communities and forums: Join online communities, forums, or social media groups that cater to your interests or goals. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and share experiences with others who share similar passions. These communities can provide a wealth of knowledge and support.

7. Embrace personal growth and self-development

Attend conferences, seminars, or workshops: Participate in events related to your areas of interest. Attend conferences, seminars, or workshops where you can hear from inspiring speakers or experts in their fields. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals.Engage in personal growth activities such as reading self-help books, attending workshops, or seeking guidance from coaches or therapists. This journey of self-improvement can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your desires.

8.Pay attention to your intuition

Remember, intuition is a deeply personal and subjective experience. It may manifest differently for each individual. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you develop your intuition. Over time, with practice and self-awareness, you can strengthen your connection with your intuition and harness its guidance in your life’s journey.Trust your gut instincts and listen to your inner voice. Often, our intuition provides subtle guidance about what we truly want. Tune in to your intuition and give it the space to guide your decision-making.

9.Embrace trial and error

Recognize that discovering what you want in life is an ongoing process. It may involve trial and error, and that’s okay. Be open to exploring different paths, learning from your experiences, and adjusting your course as you gain more clarity.Remember, trial and error is a dynamic process that requires patience, resilience, and a willingness to learn. Embracing it allows you to discover new possibilities, refine your approach, and ultimately achieve greater success in your endeavors.

10.Be patient and compassionate with yourself

Finding what you want in life is a journey that takes time and self-compassion. Avoid comparing your journey to others and allow yourself the space to explore and evolve. Be patient with the process and trust that clarity will come in due time.Always know that in this life , people walk their journeys in different ways, so always focus on yourself.

Remember that discovering what you want in life is a personal exploration. It may involve multiple iterations and changes as you grow and evolve. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and be open to the possibilities that unfold along the way.HOW TO BE DISCIPLINED TO FACE LIFE GREATER