3 key reasons to stop comparing yourself to others.

Many times you feel so lost. There is that time you feel you can’t afford to travel around or even eat what you desire. You just wish that you had too many things that other people have. Health, beauty basically you admire all that others have and you think you don’t have it. This way you keep on sabotaging yourself, a common phrase being ‘look at how my mates are doing”.The important thing you should know is that there are no timelines to this life. And it is okay not to be okay. Avoid comparisons at all costs.3 key reasons to stop comparing yourself to others.

1. It leads to unhappiness

Your goal in life should be to have peace of mind. Why kill your joy by wanting to be like everyone else? In life somebody else will always lead, so why worry? The reality is you can’t lead in everything. When you were born there were other people ahead of you. We have different age groups and mindsets. So trust the process.No body is perfect.

2. You will stagnate.

The comparison makes you become a procrastinator. If you spend too much time comparing yourself to others you might lose the bigger picture! Your dream! Focus on your life and create your own goals this way you will concentrate on what matters in your life. Too much stagnation that is visible to you will lead to your depression.

3. It drains your energy

Positive energy is the mother of all positive progress. You will always be stressed as long as you have an insignificant competitor. Sometimes it can lead to low-self esteem. Because at all times you feel you are not good enough. Start from somewhere and re-organize your life.10 things that always drain your energy

3 key reasons to stop comparing yourself to others will help you understand some of the mistakes you are making in your life by comparing yourself to others.