5 Simple ways to deal with annoying colleagues

Sometimes you may find yourself in a working environment that may be draining your energy. Your colleagues seem to be focused on you in a negative way. All the office gossip is about you, in case something goes wrong you will always be blamed.

Never think that you are not good enough or something is wrong with you. After evaluating yourself, and then you find out you are not doing things to offend them, just be calm. Before you quit your job, you should check out 5 Simple ways to deal with annoying colleagues www.bluehost.com/track/equipyourselves/

1 Be professional

Just know that it is not every time a colleague becomes a friend. If you are the friendly type that every colleague knows all about your life, it is better you change that. You share personal information, and your achievements, literally many colleagues know everything about you. Unfortunately, very few people are happy with your progress, some only want to listen to you to get something to gossip about.

Sometimes, you may be creating your own downfall, “through too much information” (TMI). Don’t focus on wanting to please people, your main agenda is to know all the basics that entail your job. To create stronger personal boundaries you have to be professional.

Focus on what you personally want to achieve in your job apart from what your job entails.

Sometimes it may be not you, you might have colleagues who want to sabotage everything you do, and they keep on reporting you to your bosses over things you have not done. In such cases always be honest. Be confident enough, to face any challenges. Although you can be crying from the inside, never show those people your weakness, they will always use it against you.

The good thing you will get with annoying colleagues, is you learn each one of them and maintain your boundaries.

2. Avoid Gossip

Grapevine is always there in every profession. One thing you should note about grapevine is that in most cases you don’t know where the information started. Sometimes grapevine leads to distortion of information, and misunderstandings, and even can lead to a division among colleagues.

In as much as you listen/ hear it does don’t be the one who started it.If it is possible to avoid listening to it and wait for information to come from the management. If it exceeds talking about colleagues’ personal lives, then that becomes a toxic working environment.

If you join the circle of office gossips, remember that when you are not around they will always talk about you.

Sometimes you may be sharing the office with such people. The best way to avoid them is by maybe listening to music, trying to read your favorite novel if it is during break time, sometimes you can go out to make calls, or maybe get fresh air. Or just ignoring them by doing the tasks that you have not completed.

However, never be afraid to be alone, as long as you are standing with what is right.

Firstly, gossip leads to a lack of trust among colleagues, lost productivity, and confusion among colleagues. Second, the worst that can happen! is the chaos that can lead to fighting between colleagues.

Lastly, you should know that people gossip to keep the conversation going. If the gossip is about you, do not go comforting them, at least you will know what they think about you.

Do not go around trying to justify what they said.

Once the damage is done it is done. Avoid sharing personal information with your colleagues. As long as whatever is being said is a lie, come to terms with yourself and let it go no need of going throwing tantrums. Your colleagues will know you are bothered by their nonsense. If their gossip is true or somehow true, work on ways you can bring out the most positive results that will impact your life.

3. Be positive

Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. The real way to receive favor is by blessing your enemies or those who do not wish you well. You overcome evil with good. You cannot let people upset you and make you so bitter the whole day or you even quit your job.

Positivity is a choice one makes. Choosing to have peace of mind is a personal choice. The only thing that makes people throw tantrums or fights after the slightest provocation is because they fear being regarded as weak. Sometimes you have to be the eagle in life, you keep on flying higher.

Always choose to stay calm.

fighting with a pig will always make you dirty, and at the end of the day, you will be the one who will get dirty. Do not get distracted by their negativity, because they don’t hold your destiny. Successful people always focus on their goals and vision.

Therefore, the best thing is always to look at things in a positive direction. You can never control what people say about you. It is like stopping chickens from chirping. Do not waste your energy, trying to share a piece of your mind. Avoid arguments especially when you are so unhappy. Never let your colleagues ‘destroy’ your day. You are giving them your power.

In conclusion, you have to understand being calm is a tough decision, it takes time to develop this unique character. Create your own affirmations to stay happy.

Learn to forgive/ tolerate

Sometimes you may have told people several things that annoy you. For instance, disorganizing your office, leaving cups or plates on your locker, or just too much noise. You never know their upbringing. Others will behave as if they never learned about work ethics. Or they may be doing things to annoy you. Also, to take them as they are, thus creating your happiness by ignoring what they are doing to annoy you. Do not get personal, it will make you unproductive and you may lose your focus.

Tell them what annoys you

Sometimes your colleagues may never know some of the actions they do annoy you. Let them know especially if they make too much noise, sometimes they will know that by not contributing to their gossip, you really hate it. You can tell them to respect your personal space, especially those who try to snoop around. If they don’t listen, tolerate them.

Take them as they are and accept them for who they are. Not everything your colleagues do should be questioned, sometimes they may be feeling threatened by your presence or maybe jealous over your life. Anyway, you owe no one an explanation. So, at all times, focus on yourself, and never do anything to revenge.

5. Figure out what makes them annoying

Before, judging or concluding that your colleagues are annoying, figure out why the situation is the way it is. Sometimes you may be the problem, thus, you have to have to take serious steps. Maybe you can start learning how to work on your personality in order to be more approachable.

Life is all about learning. You may be the one sabotaging other employees’ jobs, or you are so strict and inconsiderate. As human beings, we have to learn to be accommodating. Take the right reading materials on work ethics that can make the job to be more productive.

Consequently, you may not be meeting their expectations.

This is beyond you. Furthermore, you cannot change some of your traits to accommodate people. As long as you have followed the above four in 5 Simple ways to deal with annoying colleagues. Deal with them as they are and be patient with them. The funny thing is that some may start admiring your traits and eventually start supporting you. Just note there is no way everyone can love you. Check.8 Things every good relationship should have.

From the 5 Simple ways to deal with annoying colleagues. You have to note that every day you have to make positive affirmations to help you deal with colleagues every day.

You are working to make a living


Actually, you can never tell your real friends in a work environment. Let your colleagues gossip about things they don’t know about you. Limit the information you share. In addition, do not be petty by telling them everything.

Because they will want to dictate everything about your life. Finally, learn to be very focused. Never overwork to gain favor from the management, but do your best expecting nothing. Remember in case something happens to you you will immediately be replaced. Be wise.www.bluehost.com/track/equipyourselves/.Read 5 Simple ways to deal with annoying colleagues