How to break up with someone you don’t love back

Although people say that you should follow the one who loves you. Sometimes, there is a huge strain especially if you are not attracted to the person. In some cases, the person may end up being the opposite of what you expected. Maybe he or she is a stalker, or the person is too clingy. I mean he or she is a nightmare. Okay, research shows that arranged marriages are more successful than ‘love marriages’.Possibly it is because partners do not waste a lot of time to please each other or it’s because they have more similarities. To start with, it is not easy to break up with someone you don’t love back. This means they love you and you have zero interest in them. The kind of person you don’t even admire or respect. The following points are going to help you figure out How to break up with someone you don’t love back

1. Take time to think through your decision

Make sure you are a hundred percent sure that you want to leave the person you want to break up with. Have time to think through your decision. Take note of the red flags in the relationship. Have a valid reason as to why you have no interest in that person. Can time help you fall in love with the person? Have all the sensible possible questions before making the conclusion that you want to quit the relationship. Once you figure out why you feel so drained in the relationship, then move to step two.

2. Confide in your closest friend

By closest friend, it means someone you can fully trust. Not someone you are going to explain your situation and within a short time, everyone knows it. Probably even the one you want to break up with knows will know it. It can be your parents or just any friend that you confide in such matters. Once you make the decision to confide in a person, do not waste your time. Make a decision to tell the person that you want the breakup. Time goes by faster than you can imagine. Act soonest so that you don’t regret it later in life.

3. The last thing to do is to call the person for a one-on-one meeting

Make sure, this takes place in an open space. Some people can be violent once they experience rejection. Probably even it may be the reason you want the breakup so badly. Be honest, kind, and gentle in the whole situation. Avoid breakups through phone, messages or telling friends to tell them that it is over. Make sure, you are very calm before the breakup to avoid, disrespecting the person. Expect any sort of reaction, but all in all, remain quiet.

Be careful with your emotions after the breakup. If you had honest intentions of leaving the person never look back. Focus on forgetting them, no matter how much they try to be clingy. Sometimes you have to be the adult in such a situation. Do not get back to someone due to sympathy. Forgive yourself for some decisions you made probably due to selfish reasons.5 ways on how to forgive those who hurt you . It is not easy but follow How to break up with someone you don’t love back often, it is easy if you commit yourself.

Marie, J. (2014). What It’s Really Like to Have an Arranged Marriage. Retrieved from

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