12 things that may be denying you happiness

Happiness is within you, but there are so many negative traits that prevent you from finding it. The world is full of negativity. Actually negative news, blogs, or reviews sell more than Positive ones. Learn to rise above the negativity. Finding happiness in your life is a commitment or choice you should make. From the 12 things that may be denying you happiness you will discover that happiness is a choice you make in life.

Abraham Lincoln says: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

Create happiness in the best way possible. Check out: 12 things that may be denying you happiness ;

1.Lack of self-love

Accepting who you are is the first step to self-love. Stop comparing yourself with others. Live your life like you. Accept what you do not love. Take care of your health, emotionally and psychically. No matter how many responsibilities you will have, do not neglect yourself, you are still you. Take care of yourself. Build your self-esteem every day.


Complaining makes you procrastinate on many matters. If you complain a lot there is a high possibility that you want to be noticed, you do not want to take responsibility, you are envious of those doing well, you want to have power over others or it is just an excuse for your poor performance. Take full responsibility for whatever you do, this will enable you to feel better. Discover what tasks you are best at, instead of doing too much that you cannot handle.

3.Holding negative beliefs

There are thoughts, you created as a child and they have manifested themselves into adulthood. There are thoughts that govern our brains, on maybe how life is supposed to be. Some thoughts are so negative, they may have limited you from achieving what you really deserve. These thoughts are only in your brain you can change them. Unfortunately, it is not easy to change, you have to rewire your brain with new information.

4.Trying to be perfect

“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.”

– Anne Lamott

Being a perfectionist can be very oppressive. It limits you from achieving your best. You live in fear. You always think that you have to reach a certain level for you to be complete, whole, and worthy. In your entire life, you do everything to prove something. All the same, you shouldn’t give up on your ambitions. Do not become obsessed with being the best in everything, learn to appreciate life as it is.

5.Denying your true worth

Negative thoughts are actually a symptom of low self-worth, not a cause. Denying your true worth is within your mindset. Some of the factors that may make you doubt yourself are childhood abuse, childhood trauma, situations that include growing up in poverty, neglect, being in an alcoholic home, growing up in violence, poor parental attachment, poor parenting skills, and negative beliefs. It takes time to overcome situations and belief in yourself. Doubting your self-worth leads to a lack of happiness in your life

A 2018 study showed that in fact people with low self-esteem actually sabotage relationships with their poor skills at asking for support. Backhanded methods like whining, acting sad and sulking lead to negative responses from partners.

6.Lack of balance

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

Life needs a balance. You have to check on things that you have to prioritize. Nurture yourself and have an efficient mindset. It is also fair to expect the unexpected in life. Balancing starts with having a plan for internal and external factors. First, you acknowledge areas you are neglecting, then you examine them, set goals based on priorities, plan how you will handle tasks, and reflect on your progress then you can keep on preparing and you will finally implement the best plan to balance your life. Related;9 things you should learn in life before it is too late

7. Spending too much time on social media

Social media may be a form of entertainment, but it has been a nightmare for many people. Especially those who have been cyber bullied. Many people are filled with a lot of negative energy. There times you may not be doing well in life, only to see some of your social media friends posting vacation pictures or very flashy pictures that indicate that they are doing well. Comparing your life with theirs will only make you more stressed. If social media is not influencing you positively avoid it. In most cases, social media is very addictive so avoid it at all costs.

8.Being in the wrong circle

The 8th point in the 12 things that may be denying you happiness, is to check on your circle. How do your friends influence your life? Do you hang out with people who make you doubt yourself? Do they make you grow? There are so many rhetorical questions to ask yourself as far as your friends are concerned. If you walk around with people who have limited themselves, you will also find yourself stuck at one point or another. Also identify your true friends, the ones you can hang out with, feel loved and are happy in their circle. Related: Types of friends to cut from your life


Blaming yourself or others over every situation creates negative energy within yourself. You will keep on hating yourself or people over situations you have no control over. Learn to let go of situations. Re frame your thoughts and move on. Take responsibility too. All you need to do is to learn from bad situations and prevent such a circumstance from happening, in the future if it is possible. Reclaim your life and know that it’s not your fault or someone else’s fault, it just happened and it’s now in the past.

10.Being enslaved by your own fears

People are always afraid of the unknown. Afraid of trying new things, afraid of facing challenges, or just afraid of failure. There are so many ‘what if’s that surround our lives, that we doubt ourselves even before we start something. Every year, people set new year resolutions, and change is one of them, but fear prevents us from achieving them. Related: Simple ways of relieving stress and anxiety.

11.Being close-minded

Close-minded people are usually limited to their own thoughts or their surrounding. An open mouth always indicates a closed mind. To change your thoughts you have to start reading books that will give you ideas on how to improve your life, enrich your knowledge, and encourage you. You can also start visiting new places, listening more, upgrading your friends, learning from great thinkers, stopping judging others and things by appearance, and finally, you can watch documentaries. Just as life keeps on changing, be willing to embrace change in your life.

12.Striving to meet expectations

Just as we mentioned in point 4, no one is perfect. You can waste too much energy to meet someone’s expectations. Society has set rules that govern people in one way or another. That should follow specific paths. We cannot all be the same, it is okay to be you with all your flaws. It is okay to be different. Learn to love who you are, and appreciate life as it is. Work hard and be hopeful, always appreciate the outcome. Do not stress yourself over situations you cannot change. Happiness is within you, do not waste your time and energy trying to please people.

Finding happiness is easy only if you are committed to letting go of what doesn’t please you. Do not be too serious in life, learn to let go of your worries. Read the 12 things that may be denying you happiness often.

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