5 Perfect Ways To Overcome sexual assault

Studies show that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men face sexual assault at some time in their lives. Sexual violence is very common, especially in the 21st century, worst cases happen, where the violence involves a child. Who grows up, with images that he or she cannot overcome? Sometimes, it is the people you trust that assault your innocent kids. And they have lived with such painful secrets that haunt them to date. Such incidents have led to people living with anxiety, depression, or intimacy problems.5 Perfect Ways To Overcome sexual assault will enable you to help yourself as well as others to overcome the situation.

1. Avoid drug and substance abuse

Most sexual abuse victims turn to drug and substance abuse as a way to destruct themselves. Drugs will cause more harm than good. The saddest bit about life is that no, matter how hard the situation at hand hurts and you feel like the whole world is against you, you have to face it. How drug and substance abuse affects your life. If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that drugs will only make you escape from reality. Be honest that they are causing more harm to your body. Seek professional help if you are trying to escape from the thoughts of sexual abuse through drug addiction. Find more hobbies that will destruct your mind. However, for you to succeed in the mission to heal, have a sober brain.

2. Practice mindfulness

Second, start living in the moment. Pay attention to what happens around you. Accept situations without being judgemental. Sometimes in life, we can never tell, or give an explanation as to why some sad situations happened to us. Yes, you will have moments of feeling unlovable, worthless, hopeless, stupid, wrong, ugly, and a loser. It is hard to heal, but do not give up. As long as you are breathing never give up on yourself.When thoughts of inadequacy attack you, get past them. Meditate, take deep breaths listen to your body. So that in case a sad thought takes over your brain you can overcome it by destructing yourself. For example, walking around or observing things that bring you, Joy. This will help you reduce stress levels, depression, and a sense of increased well-being.

3. Seek professional help

Sometimes we can not fight these battles on our own. However, you can see a counselor, who can guide you appropriately on how to heal. You will need your self-consciousness for you to heal. This is a matter of you being ready to find yourself. A counselor will enable you to reason in a different way. A problem shared is a problem solved. Counselling therefore can be a good weapon against mental illness. It relieves unpleasant emotions and develops openness and acceptance. Professional help will enable you to see your situation in a different light and see things with better eyes rather than bitter eyes. Through counseling, you will be able to retrieve your lost identity and therefore be more mindful. Keep reading 5 Perfect Ways To Overcome sexual assault

4. Taking legal action

Sometimes when you know your abuser, you can report the matter to the authority. The saddest bit is when it happened when you were young and probably the abuser is a close relative or family friend. Sometimes people would never tell you why you behave the way you do. They may be calling you all sorts of names, like weird, and many more words, that insinuate you are not normal. All in all, just let them know what happened to you. Sometimes the legal way may not bring justice, because the system can be corrupt, but be happy that you tried. Sometimes even telling the closest people about the incident, they may dispute it, and you may end up feeling worse than before. Speak out, you never know when justice may be served. Sometimes you may end up helping more victims to come out. And this may help you feel better.

5. Keep going

The fifth in 5 Perfect Ways To Overcome sexual assault is to not give up on yourself. The triggers will keep on coming back to you. You might find yourself going back to the abuser. Hating people who remind you of the abuser.You may suffer anger issues, hatred, or feel vengeful. Feeling the quilt may take over your entire mindset. Be patient with yourself. Healing is a process. Stop judging yourself, you are not to blame. The best thing is to wake up with an intention to heal, and a purpose to be better.

In conclusion, you have to be strong for you to overcome the situation. Some of the successful people in the world are made up of broken pasts that were very bitter. Stop asking why it happened to you and focus on healing and how to move on from it. Read 5 Perfect Ways To Overcome sexual assault