9 productivity hacks you should employ in life

Time runs fast. If not managed well, you can end up doing nothing productive. Check out the 9 productivity hacks you should employ in life.

1. Important things first

Commit the first 90 minutes to doing important things every day. Have a to-do list. The first things should be the most urgent responsibilities or tasks.

2.limit time on social media

Social media platforms are very addictive. They currently consume 80% of the time one should be doing constructive work. If you are doing nothing constructive on social media, avoid it at all costs.

3. Plan your day the night before

Before you go to bed, be prepared for the next day. Maybe what to wear, what to prepare, and check out the appointments for the next day. Preparedness is very important in life.

4. Cut your to-do list in half

Divide your list into two., this will help you know what things require urgent attention. There are things that can be postponed if you do not manage to do it all. It also helps someone to take breaks within a day.

5.Break down big tasks

Ensure you break big tasks into small tasks. This way they will look small and you are going to handle them easily. You will not recognize how fast you will have completed something that looked almost impossible to handle.

6. Turn off all notifications

Notifications tend to make someone lose concentration. You can opt to switch off your phone’s notification in order for you to concentrate.

7.Rest, sleep and exercise

For you to be productive you must rest, sleep, and exercise. Your brain does not need to be overloaded. Always ensure you rest appropriately.

8.Take more breaks

Just as emphasized in point 7. That rest is very important. As you are working take breaks, to enable your brain to get refreshed. It is during these breaks that you find more ideas.

9. Consume knowledge over entertainment

You can watch your favorite movies once in a while. But for you to be productive you must be willing to consume content that is knowledgable. It is through the right e-books, talk shows, and programs you will gain more knowledge.

Reflect on the 9 productivity hacks you should employ in life, and apply them daily. You can also check 11 Positive affirmations to make every morning.