10 things that show you are doing well in life

Life does not have to be perfect for it to be wonderful. Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path that the best things will ever happen to us. Doing well in life does not mean that you have all the wealth. Here are the 10 things that show you are doing well in life.10 things that always drain your energy

1. You have a good heart

The fact that you have no evil motives in life, you are doing well. Being content with who you are at the beginning of gratitude in life. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me

2. You ate today

There are so many people who cannot afford a meal in a day. The fact that you took something to eat, be grateful. You never know what tomorrow is promised for you.

3. You have a roof over your head

Having a roof over your head is not something obvious. In fact, you should be thankful that at least you have somewhere to lie down. You have seen so many homeless people and the suffering they go through.

4. You have clean water

Be grateful that you can access clean water to drink or make food. Imagine living a life without clean water. consuming something that you know has fatal consequences.

5. Someone cares for you

It doesn’t need to be family or friends. The fact that you are alive means someone cares for you. Trust God with your life, surrender your life to him and you will never get disappointed.

6. You wish good for others

Past research has shown that being generous makes people happier. Be good to other people and wish them well. It is very hard for someone jealous to succeed in life.

7. You strive to be better

Strive to be better not to be perfect. Make sure every day you are a step ahead to improve your life. Things are not as easy as they seem to be but never give up on yourself.

8. You have clean clothes

The fact that you have something to cover your body be happy. Having clean clothes is another privilege. Always be grateful in your life.

9. You have a dream

Keep on dreaming. Never lose hope in life, your dream is still valid. It is okay to dream big. You can also check 7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream.

10. You are breathing

Where there is life there is hope. The fact that you are alive be content, and grateful.

In the 10 things that show you are doing well in life, you realize that gratitude counts a lot in life. You did nothing to have all the privileges that you have. Learn to appreciate life as it is, and work towards improving it.

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