End of the year song

It’s the end of the year’

You rush to your diary,

And on your way you

feel heavy,

Your legs cannot move,

so , you sit,

on the floor

Wondering how

useless you are becoming,

All the festivities of

The End of year

are the only

things that made you

Honestly happy!

It is another year!

Same plans as last years,

Not met!

You had planned to achieve a lot,

Looking back,

The weight loss program did not turn out right!

In fact, you added more kilograms!

The Money goal was not met!

The business targets were not met!

You literally did not meet 95% of the goals you wished!

Sometimes… you plan, but the discipline is not there

The motivation is there, but you are too weak to push..

Discipline is the key to achieving the best in your life!

You know…,

You see we are human,

We want instant results,

And get too tired of trying…

so we get too impatient to see the end of the tunnel!

Making it the end of year the song ,year in year out!

Sometimes the year’s goals do not turn out to be right

Due to unavoidable circumstances

Maybe we lost our loved ones ,

Maybe, we were heart broken

Or maybe things never turned out right!

It’s okay, and sometimes, it’s just beyond us


We shouldn’t forget to be grateful

After all, despite all the circumstances it end of year!

Where there is life there is a will…

You are still breathing..

You have had your good days..

The good thing is that it’s the end of year!

You are celebrating with the rest!

Wondering how you achieved less or more!

For some it was long others short!

But you know what?

The same old song must stop!

You know, Making a list

And saying that it is a must

I do all this in a year!

And every end of year, you look at your

list embarrassed?

Sometimes you may have told people

About your goals,

And you are too ashamed to face them?

However, this old song must stop!

This end of year must be your last year

To sing embarrassing songs!

The new year is here,

Face it like never before!

With the focus you have never had before!

Be disciplined and alert

To know where you go wrong!

Above all, involve God!

So that you will always have the

energy to stand up once you fall!

To get re-energized when all the energy is gone!

And believe in yourself when everyone else underestimates you!

Always love and appreciate yourself for the small goals..

Besides, see light when they see darkness!

Don’t be afraid to stay positive at all times!

You carry the wheels to drive your life!

Remind yourself that you can conquer it all!

Avoid excuses!

And as the next end of year approaches…

You will be the happiest!

The old song will be gone…

For your old end of year song will be gone…

Why your new year’s resolutions fail

Happy holidays..

1. Develop Consistent Habits