Types of friends to cut from your life

Do you feel that you are in a company that you don’t enjoy? Show me your friend I tell who you are, is a common phrase that is used. Often times as human beings we assume this phrase, but we don’t tell how deep these people influence our lives. Most of the time, we say that our friends don’t define us, but take a keen look at your life and how much your friends impact your life. There things you have to consider if you have to keep friends for long. Here are some of the friends you should cut from your life.


Are you with a friend who never listens to you? These are the kind of friends that are single-sided. Every time it is all about them. You will never get time to discuss your problems with them. When you try discussing an issue that is bothering you with them, they will divert the topic to be theirs. Such a person is draining you, you can not progress with such a friendship. Every relationship is supposed to cater for all partners. If you explain this issue with them and they don’t change, It is the right time you decided to quit opportunistic friends or drainers.


There are friends in most of the sittings that have nothing better to say other than gossip their colleagues or friends. Gossip makes you believe in lies, tears you apart from better relationships, it’s also a form of disrespect. No one is perfect in any way we should learn to accept each other despite their weird nature. Other than discussing someone with other people, learn to avoid people who are toxic by nature. At times people gossip those that are more successful than them, how can you become successful too, if you are just idle talking about them. To succeed in life, you have to quit gossip, it’s also a sign that you are jealous. Your Gossip friends also gossip you. Keep off from gossip and focus on your life.

3.The jealous

There are friends when you get a promotion at work they will start resenting. Some will even go to extremes and start avoiding you because they think you are doing better than them. If someone is not happy for you as a friend be careful. Jealous friends are dangerous, you have seen people literally killing each other due to extreme envy. It hurts to let go of friends, but protecting your peace is more important. Some statements might sound friendly like saying ‘Let her pay the bill because I am now poor’ such a statement may sound harmless, but you should be careful because you don’t know how deep it goes. You must be keen when choosing and keeping friends. If you know you have not changed in any way and your friends are not happy as you are happy about their progress, just quit the friendship.

4.The negative

Being positive in life is the number one motivation in life. You always try to be hopeful because after all life is never easy, we have to strive to achieve the best in life. Imagine having a friend who will kill all your ambitions in a second! A friend that always try to tell you that you are not good enough, this cannot work, you cannot do this, are you insane?, they will not accept you, Of all people you? and many more statements. The negative friend’s statements can influence you from bringing the best out of yourself. Cut them from your life and move on. When you succeed some will learn their mistakes.FINANCIAL MISTAKES

Most of the time we are afraid of being alone. Standing for yourself is important, you must be your cheerleader. It is not abnormal to be different. Always be careful of the people you hang out with, they may help you grow or fail. Bring out the best version of yourself and you will attract the right people. If your friends realize their mistakes they might join you. One thing you should know is that you can’t change people. Enjoy your company too. Just know the friends to cut from your life. IMPORTANT SECRETS TO KEEP FROM PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE
