Staying at home and working from home has never been easy. For healthy living, we got to accept what has happened. It is important as a family to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Instead of going to the gym here are simple routines when employed daily or consistently can bring out amazing results.5 MINUTES BEST DAILY FAMILY WORKOUTS.

1. Plank

This involves maintaining a position that looks like a pushup for a longer period. All that is required is your forearms and toes on the floor, then lift the rest of your body straight (90degrees), your head should be relaxed and should be facing the floor. Hold this position for one minute. Planks are very effective. A flat tummy decreases your risk of injury to the spine, increases your metabolism, and improves your posture and overall body balance. Planks will also reduce back pain and enhance overall bone and joint health. To relieve stress this is the exercise to go for.

2 .Bicycle crunches

For Bicycle crunches, you lie down on a mat, with your hands, hold your head, and bend your knees at a 90-degree. Lift your left knee with the right elbow, keep on alternating that is, the right knee and the left elbow, do this for one minute. Bicycle crunches engage all your abs muscles, so they are very beneficial when it comes to losing belly fat. Bicycle crunches also help in toning thighs and also help in overall loose of weight.

3. Side planks

When doing a side plank, you just lie down on your left side, legs stacked, and extended from hip to feet. With your left arm lift up your body, your right arm should be holding the waist. Make sure your hips are not sagging, and your head and neck should be straight. Do this for one minute. Move to your right side and do the same as you did with your left side. This exercise strengthens your abdominal muscles, wrists, arms, and legs, and improves balance. If you want to concentrate more on your work this is the best exercise to start your day.

4. leg lifts

For leg lifts, you only need to lie down on a mat. Straighten your legs upwards, then start lowering them slowly, when the legs are almost an inch to the floor lift them up again. Keep up with the same motion for a minute. Make sure your legs do not touch the ground and always ensure your back is pressed on the floor to protect the spine. Make sure you are breathing. Leg lifts will strengthen your lower abdominal muscles, makes you flexible, burns calories, and lower the risk of back injuries.

5 Russian twist

The Russian twist is a great abs exercise. It involves working on the abdominal muscles by twisting motion around the abdomen. Sit on a mat bring your legs straight. Lean on your back and lift your legs and torso to form a v -like shape. After balancing, twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs. Do this exercise for a minute. Russian twists are very beneficial to your spine muscles. They also work on your balance, builds stability, burn calories, burn belly fat, and reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack. Russian twists can strengthen the lower back.5 MINUTES BEST DAILY FAMILY WORKOUTS.

Practice the above exercises on a daily routine and the results will be incredible. If you are a beginner maintaining one minute for every exercise may be difficult, you can start with a few seconds and afterward, you can go for more minutes. It is advisable to start your day with these simple exercises and then take a shower afterward. As a family, you are going to enjoy five minutes together.

Remember that you should always maintain a healthy diet.Positive habits

