How drug and substance abuse affects your life

Sometimes you can find yourself being a victim of drug abuse, misuse, or being an addict. It just starts with a group of friends, when they ask you to maybe join them in a party. Mainly teens fall under this category of being influenced into taking drugs. Of course, even adults are victims of peer pressure. Drug abuse is not only caused by peer pressure, it can be caused by a number of reasons;

Why people are involved in drug and substance abuse

Some adolescents and adults abuse drugs to:

To fit in a certain social circle

For instance, when someone is in a new environment and he or she wants to attract new friends, he or she tries to do what they do. In the case. of adolescents, they may want to join the kids they find cool in school and would like to attract such popularity. A person who is afraid of being alone, or someone who has not made a decision on what they really want in life can fall a victim to wanting to fit in with other people.

Need to feel good and better

Some drugs bring a certain excitement that brings about feelings of pleasure. At the same time, some adolescents are unable to solve their own internal issues, in the process, they end up taking drugs that they think will make them feel better about themselves. Additionally, you may be in pain and may take drugs hoping to relieve pain. All these are some of the reasons they take drugs to feel better.

To give good results

There is a belief that some drugs make you perform better. So adolescents end up abusing them in order to perform better in academics or athletically. In fact, this is also done by adults who believe that certain drugs will enable them to perform well in their jobs.


Sometimes, drug abuse is just a simple decision of someone wanting to try out new things. Sometimes this doesn’t end well, it may be out of curiosity that someone tries out drug and substance use and in the process, you end up being an addict. The particularly daring attitude of teens may make them want to experiment.

Commonly abused drugs

Commonly abused drugs differ from country to country. They include alcohol, cocaine, kratom, marijuana, prescription opioids, prescription stimulants, steroids, tobacco, khat, and methamphetamine depending on the location. There are so many drugs that are abused. Read What Are the Most Commonly Abused Drugs?

Check out How drug and substance abuse affects your life ;

Drug abuse can have both long-term and short-term effects. Short-term effects include increased appetite, sleeplessness, slurred speech, a temporary sense of Euphoria, and changes in cognitive ability.

As you continue abusing drugs, you may end up being an addict. This will lead you to have relationship problems, poor academic performance(for students) Poor hygiene, and a lack of interest in almost everything. Otherwise, effects differ from one person to another.

However long-term effects, if not treated on time can lead to permanent damage of organs or death. They include depression, anxiety, increased aggression, hallucination, and paranoia. Some of the internal problems are cardiovascular diseases caused by drugs like cocaine, Respiratory diseases caused by smoked drugs, kidney damage is common in drugs like heroin and liver cirrhosis which is common by excessive use of alcohol. So as you consume all these drugs just know you are digging an early grave to yourself.

In conclusion, you can see that drugs have no benefits over your life. Other than wasting money, having broken homes, and living a confused life. The journey to avoiding drug abuse firstly begins with you standing for yourself. Secondly, learn to say no to things or actions that do not impact you positively.5 tips on how to say No on occasions you are not comfortable in. Lastly to avoid being naive, always read a lot and frequently check out how drug and substance abuse affects your life.

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