How to stand out positively as an individual

Self-discipline is achieved by very few people. How many times have tried forming a habit and it proves almost impossible to achieve? You just can’t wake up one day and say you want to lose weight. It takes many disappointments, frustrations, and resilience for you to achieve something great.

Consistency is the key to developing great habits that will help you stand out. It calls out for so much self-assessment and discipline for you to be different. Check out how to stand out positively as an individual.

1.Meeting personal deadlines

The journey starts with you. Personal commitments should have deadlines. Learn to balance your life. Know when to finish a personal project within a stipulated time. Apart from the deadlines set in your job, make your own to-do list.9 key things successful people do differently Prioritize on what is important in your life. Avoid procrastination at all costs.

2. Using your phone for a specified period

Phones have become the greatest addiction currently. Your phone carries all the things you require, your diary, Netflix, youtube, simply all the social media is very addictive. This is a tough decision, to make. Have a date with your phone.

Going off the internet to prioritize what matters most will be very beneficial. Life is all about making sacrifices, at times you have to let go of what you love most and work on becoming better. Some people spend the whole day checking out the latest trends or gossip. Always ask yourself if whatever you are doing will pay off your bills. Limit your time while using the phone.

3.Daily exercises

May it be a morning run, hitting the gym, simple aerobics in your house, always make sure you do something to make you sweat daily. The start is the toughest. In spite of that, always focus on making exercises part of your daily routine. You may choose days when you are free to do vigorous exercises while those that you are on a tight schedule you do the lighter ones.

4. Set time to eat quietly (off screens)

Avoid screens while taking meals, Mindful eating will help you reduce the rate of food you take. Just like multitasking doesn’t help you. Mindful eating will help you identify your real hunger, you will have time to concentrate on what you are eating. Screens are phones, tabs, televisions, or laptops. You will also save time when you are off- screens. Related: Screen time is rising and it’s ruining us: 11 ways to cut back 

5. Time Management

Time management has become an issue in the current world. With the Tik-Tok challenges and celebrity gossip that is all over the media. Sometimes check out your friend status on WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram. Currently, the internet has occupied everyone’s mind. The only discipline that is required from you is to choose to stand out. Know when to let go of friends and off Netflix. Be busy for yourself, by doing what is productive. Manage your time daily.

The five ways on how to stand out positively as an individual seem simple. But It takes you a lot of effort to avoid what everyone else is doing. Choosing your priorities in the modern world is what will make you unique.